Police Department
The Village of McCullom Lake Police Department Non Emergency number is 815-338-2141.
For Emergencies please call 9-1-1. Email: mlpd@comcast.net
The mission of the McCullom Lake Police Department is to work as an equal partner with our community to reduce crime and to improve the quality of life in our community.
Zac Beatty, Police Chief
Frank Beatty, Police Sergeant
Syed Abulullah,
Police Officer
Jerry Dalton,
Police Officer
Aleksandr Budnik,
Police Officer
Luke Tessman,
Police Officer
Greg McCulloch,
Police Officer
Chris Robert,
Police Officer
Pam Mason,
Police Officer
Rich Svejcar,
Police Officer
Please use the Premise Alert Form to provide information to be entered pursuant to the Illinois Premise Alert Program Act (430 ILCS 132) into the computer aided dispatch database for public safety agencies.