Rental Housing Requirements and Landlord Reporting in the Village of McCullom Lake

All rental property owners are required to comply with the following Village ordinances:

1. Landlords (property owners who rent to tenants) in the Village of McCullom Lake are required to submit an updated LANDLORD REPORTING FORM yearly and a signed, updated LEASE AGREEMENT to the Village office anytime there is a change in occupancy (vacancy included). Landlords are required to sign off on the yearly reporting form that Smoke Detectors and CO2 Detectors are in working order. The Landlord Form and lease may be emailed, faxed, mailed or dropped off to the Village office at anytime.

2. All rental properties must have a rental inspection every two years conducted by our Village Building Inspector. First time rental inspections are $100. After the first year, inspections are $75 and are good for two years from the inspection date, unless there is a change of tenant. If there is a change of tenant before the two year inspection period, the fee for inspection is $35 before the new tenant moves in. The inspector will check for basic health and safety requirements as indicated on the Village Inspection Form. Upon receipt of the inspection fee, the Village office will call the tenants directly to set up a date and time for the inspection.

For more information, please see the detailed ordinance on "Rental Housing Requirements" in Village of McCullom Lake Code of Ordinances..

**NOTE: Failure to comply with these Village landlord requirements, could result in a maximum sewer usage charge of $108.60 per month plus a fine of $50 - $100 until the landlord is in compliance.